Cell Phone Policy Updates

Written on 12/11/2024

Due to a legislative action by the South Carolina General Assembly, the South Carolina State Board of Education passed a new cell phone policy for school districts across the state, which goes into effect after Winter Break, starting January 7, 2025. School districts must adopt this policy pertaining to personal electronic devices. At the December meeting, the Greenville County Schools Board of Trustees approved an updated policy to comply with the state requirement. The revisions can be found in Policy JCDA and Administrative Rule JCDA as seen below.

Summary of Board Policy and Administrative Rule JCDA

  • The South Carolina Legislature enacted a requirement that school districts adopt a policy as created by the State Board of Education that prohibits access to personal electronic devices by students during the school day.
  • Parents/Guardians should direct concerns with any of the restrictions to the South Carolina Legislature as local school districts are not provided flexibility to deviate from the restrictions.
  • Parents/Guardians can also contact the school’s administration if they have any specific questions pertaining to their child and specific personal devices.
  • In elementary and middle school, students are prohibited from utilizing personal electronic devices and accessories during the school day. 
    • The school day for elementary school is 7:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m.
    • The school day for middle school is 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.  
  • In high school, students are prohibited from utilizing personal electronic devices and accessories during the school day (8:45 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.) with the exception that schools are permitted to develop time outside of the classroom, such as during and adjacent to lunch, that students can utilize the devices if that use is in furtherance of instruction and school activities.
    • High schools will notify parents/guardians and students in writing of the specific parameters pertaining to the use of devices during this time.
  • Due to the restrictions implemented by the State, electronic devices, including smartwatches and accessories, cannot be worn during the school day. 
  • Personal electronic devices must be either turned off or silenced during the school day and will be stored out of sight of others as directed by each school.  
  • Exceptions exist for students with health needs if authorized by IEP/504/Health Plan.
  • Exceptions for individual students can be granted by principals for unique circumstances, such as when a parent is in the hospital. The approval by the principal must be in writing to the parent/guardian. 
  • The state-imposed restrictions do not apply to school field trips. Parameters pertaining to the use of personal electronic devices during field trips will be communicated by schools to parents/guardians.
  • Schools will establish and communicate parameters regarding the use of personal electronic devices for students when on campus before and after the school day.
  • Please see Board Policy JCDA and Administrative Rule JCDA for additional information and detail.